Get the geteduroam app
Simplify connecting your devices to eduroam with the geteduroam app.

eduroam is designed to provide simple, secure, easy-to-use roaming access to WiFi services for academia. It is now available to millions of students, researchers and staff in over 100 territories and tens of thousands of locations.
How do I connect?
In order to configure devices to connect to eduroam, The geteduroam app works by tapping into the central eduroam CAT service and manages the required settings for your institution and device to ensure that you are always connecting to a valid, correctly configured, eduroam access point and that your details cannot be accessed.
Simply download the geteduroam app to get connected.
About geteduroam and CAT
eduroam works on many different types of device and because user credentials are managed by the institution, each with their own username and password policies. Because of this, it can sometimes be hard to provide standardised ways for these millions of users to connect their devices for the first time.
To help with this, eduroam developed the Configuration Assistance Tool to help organisations on-board their students and staff onto eduroam. (CAT) offered ways for a wide range of different devices (iOS, Android or Windows) to connect to eduroam. However recent changes to the way some operating systems work has meant the CAT alone cannot provide the support needed and so geteduroam was developed.
Not all organisations providing eduroam are present on CAT, but by starting to type the name of your organisation, the list of organisations is filtered down. If your organisation cannot be found, please contact your IT department and ask them to join eduroam CAT (it's free through their national eduroam operator).
geteduroam is being developed for the global education sector by several organisations in Europe, amongst them NORDUnet and SURF.