A new series of technical advice pages and adaptable promotional materials are now available to assist in national or campus-level deployment and uptake of the eduroam service. The technical document wiki pages and promotional materials have been published on the eduroam website, www.eduroam.org, as part of a collaborative effort between different tasks within the GN3 (GÉANT) project.
The old eduroam ‘cookbook’ has been transformed into updated wiki pages advising on how to deploy and support eduroam in a variety of scenarios. Contents were revised by technical experts from the research and education networking community, principally by Stefan Winter (RESTENA), who leads the project’s ‘roaming’ research task to develop a new eduroam architecture. Readers are invited to provide online comments to inform ongoing updates and improvements.
The set of promotional materials currently includes resources for national eduroam operators, such as case studies and messaging about the service’s benefits, plus items that can be translated and adapted for use in universities and research institutes to attract and inform users. These end-user materials, including a poster, leaflet and information ’credit card’, were based on materials kindly donated by SURFnet, the Dutch national research and education networking organisation (NREN). All materials were produced by the GN3 project’s Partner Services Promotion (PSP) team, led by TERENA, and based on input from PR-communications staff in several NRENs – AMRES, ARNES, Belnet and JANET(UK) – with advice from technical experts in JANET(UK), RESTENA, Srce and Cisco Systems. Further materials will gradually be added to this promotional ‘toolkit’. Source files (InDesign) are available for adaptation: requests can be sent to gn3-psp@geant.net.
All materials were made available for the first time for participants in an eduroam training workshop that was hosted by Srce in Zagreb, Croatia, on 15-16 March 2011. The workshop was organised as part of a wider collaboration between PSP and other GN3 project tasks – Training, Networking Development Support, and the European eduroam Operational Team – to support the rollout and uptake of eduroam in selected countries in eastern Europe: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Ten trainees learned how to implement a Service Provider in accordance with eduroam policy and to deliver eduroam training to other organisations within their country.